How The Media Affects Me

Hey guys! I haven’t posted in a while because of the craziness of the new semester and rehearsals for the musical I’m in (more on that later). I’ve had a lot of different thoughts concerning the media (and by that I mean TV, movies, the internet, etc.) and how it can alter my day to day life. Though this is clearly not everything that affects me, there are things I have noticed as of late. Be warned, this is closer to a personal confession than one of my usual rants. So here is how the media affects me:

  • I expect my life to play out like a movie. I get these ‘scenes’ of how I want things to occur and when they don’t happen the way I planned, I end up not enjoying myself. I’m working on being more open and spontaneous because of this.
  • I’m honestly self-conscious about how I look, especially when I see all these perfect women on television and in movies. I feel like I can’t just throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt because I will see someone I know and they will judge me. I’ve always brushed this off as part of my personality, but lately I’ve realized it’s an irrational fear.
  • I feel like I can’t sing in front of people because it’s not like what you hear on the radio. It’s clearly imperfect and I wish more imperfect things were on the radio today, because it may help remind us that we are humans and not machines.
  • I expect grand gestures, just like how a guy wins over the girl in the movies. But I’ve soon realized that when it comes down to it, it’s the little things that count. I have soon learned to love the little things, like someone remembering a story you told them or texting you first. Honestly, I have always found a single rose more romantic because it is a small symbol of something greater.
  • I honestly have started to realize that in theatre, or television for that matter, it doesn’t matter how talented you are, because if you don’t look the role you aren’t getting it. And I don’t ‘look the part’ for much. Same goes for women in the film industry, where there are men of all body types (some for comic relief), but few women who truly represent our society. I can only hope that one day we won’t have the mindset of ‘that doesn’t quite look right because she/he is…’.

Here is a good example of me ranting and trying to be deep, but failing to find the correct words. I may come back and try to pick up the pieces later, but for now this is what I have to say. I hope that even though you may not feel the same way or quite understand what I was trying to say, you can feel inspired to take a second look on how the media affects you. Until later, know that even though the pen is mightier than the sword, that pen can run out of ink from time to time.

I See The Best Of Me Inside Your Eyes

Here is Uncle Kracker’s Smile. I picked this video because the original music video ruins the image I have for this song. This video is cute and helps you remember the lyrics. I honestly didn’t even realize that Uncle Kracker is a country artist because this song doesn’t quite sound like it. And they could’ve done so much more with the original music video than just show stuff that screams “I’m an american country singer who is a happy pappy”. Anyways, I heard this song on the radio the other day and it reminded me of a lot of things. For one, I sang this with my choral group in middle school and it reminded me of all the fun times I had then. It also reminded me of all the guys I liked in middle school and how this song described how I felt a lot of the time going crazy over certain guys. I also enjoy this song a lot right now because I can actually relate for once. Until later, don’t dwell on the past when you can live in the future.

Random/Confessions Part 6

Hey guys! I haven’t posted one of these in a while and I have a lot going on right now, so I thought it was a good opportunity to organize my thoughts and vent (as usual). I also went back and read my last post similar to this (Random/Confessions Part 5) and realized a lot has changed since then.  So here are some random thoughts and some confessions:

  • I have soon found out that when you tell adults you are dating someone (especially relatives), they feel the need to tell you about their first girlfriend/boyfriend. (It sounds interesting but it’s not-trust me)
  • Since I’m getting a lot of views, but almost no likes or comments, I have a good reason to believe someone is stalking my blog. Whoever you may be, thanks for taking interest but I’m taken. Pwhahaha (I read somewhere that 1 in 2 people are stalkers-so if it’s not me it’s you)
  • Dating someone is way different than I thought. But in a good way.
  • Excuse my rant here for a moment, but has anyone else noticed that on Girl Meets World they make this big deal about Riley (main character) wearing makeup, but she’s constantly wearing high heels? Like what’s up with that? Sorry but that annoys me so much.
  • For the first time ever, I will have someone to celebrate Valentine’s Day with instead of complaining about being single and how boys are stupid with most of my friends. (Not even sorry)
  • My favorite accessory of all time is the scarf and I’m so glad because I have an official collection (By my standards anyways). They are just so versatile and can make any outfit look amazing. (A little PSA for scarves there)
  • I’m honestly not super excited for the musical coming up, because I’m still in ensemble as a sophomore so basically everyone knows I suck now. Mostly kidding, but people are super judge-y and ask stupid things like “Can you even sing?”. (Well duh I can sing I just can’t sang like some people)
  • I had a dream the other day that my cat had kitties and they were so cute and looked like little fuzzy versions of him. But it can never happen because he’s neutered. *cries* (Oh well- he would probably be a lousy father anyways)
  • It’s so weird but I keep forgetting I might be moving. Most people keep stuff like that constantly in the back of their minds, but I will be in the middle of doing something and suddenly it will hit me like a ton of bricks. I just hope that whatever happens, I will not regret anything I’ve done while I’ve been here.
  • My birthday is in less than two weeks and I almost forgot about it (yikes). And though I’m not having a party this year, I’m still excited for whatever may happen.
  • I feel like life is moving too fast sometimes, because it’s already halfway through the school year and this month is almost over. (but last year I would’ve said life was moving too slow)
  • When I finished a book today, I wasn’t really happy with the ending because the protagonist didn’t clearly end up with someone. But it’s honestly very realistic because not every story has to end with a happy couple. (even though that’s what most people want- including myself)
  • In my last post similar to this, I wished for someone (preferably of the male species) to share this blog with and to think I’m funny and great. And for once, one of my mindless wishes came true. 🙂

I’m really glad I have this blog not only to organize my thoughts and vent, but to look back and remember how I was feeling at a certain time. It’s like a virtual scrapbook in a way. I hope you enjoyed my random confessions and maybe can relate to one or two. Until later, don’t underestimate your future holds.

Pros and Cons Of Having Extroverted Friends

Hey guys! I told you I would make a post about extroverts as well! It’s only fair and I did promise (and I’m trying to follow through on more promises). And for those of you just tuning in, I am referring to my earlier post, Pros and Cons Of Having Introverted Friends. So here are the pros and cons of having extroverted friends:

  • They can be clingy at times.
  • It may seem like they are always flirting. (trust me we are not. unless you are cute than probably so.)
  • There will be times when they don’t want to talk. As crazy as that may sound, everyone needs ‘me’ time.
  • Sometimes we blurt things out we shouldn’t.
  • We may be a little bossy sometimes. But hey, if no one else is gonna step up, we have no other choice then to be leader. Or queen/king. Or supreme overlord. (Just kidding. sorta.)
  • Extroverts may seem a bit air headed at first, but I promise we can hold intellectual conversations. (well some of us anyways)
  • We try to fill awkward silences. And end up making them more awkward. (Yeah I’ve done that. The unanimous response was “shut up!” {in a very loving way of course})
  • They end up having other friends than just you, so it’s hard to become super close.
  • A common stereotype is that extroverts are bad listeners. I will admit that I have been a bad listener in the past, but most extroverts actually have to be good listeners in order to keep a conversation going.
  • You may feel like you can’t get a word in sometimes.
  • Most times extroverts are expected to keep a conversation going, so by stepping over your words they may just be trying to keep a dialogue going in their favor.
  • People are surprised when they see an extrovert being sad or timid. Most people assume that extroverts are always happy and confident, so seeing them like that may come as a shock. But hey, not everyone can be happy all the time.
  • An extrovert’s public personality may be different than their private personality. That’s why I think it’s important to have one-on-one time with an extrovert as a friend.

I hope that now you can see both sides of the introvert/extrovert controversy, just as I have. And though I may understand extroverts a little better, I think I have learned a lot about both sides. Interesting fact: most people relate to being somewhere in the middle of extroversion/introversion, especially as they get older. Until later, don’t be surprised if you become friends with someone who is the polar opposite of you.

This Is A Modern Fairytale

This is Selena Gomez’s The Heart Wants What It Wants. Normally, I wouldn’t post a song like this because of all the drama surrounding it and the fact that Selena Gomez is clearly no longer a Disney girl. The beginning of this video is heartbreaking but I think a lot of people can relate to it. And though I personally have never left a voice mail quite like that, I can understand why it’s in the music video. It’s so raw that I find it hard to believe the rumors that Justin and Selena never happened. Some people think that their relationship was all for press and though I could honestly care less, I think the emotion in the song is real. I can relate because even though I don’t feel that way right now (thank the lord), I have gotten torn up over guys in the past. I won’t bore you with the middle school horror stories, but it was pretty bad. Anyways, that’s all in the past and now I have a great (and hopefully romantic) future ahead of me. Until later, it’s okay to express your emotions over someone, no matter how ridiculous they may seem.

Pros and Cons Of Having Introverted Friends

It has recently come to my attention that all my close friends are introverts, as opposed to me, the ultimate extrovert. From what I understand, extroverts are people who enjoy being social and need human interaction, while introverts don’t need a lot of human interaction in order to be happy. So here are the pros and cons of having introverted friends:

  • Once you get to know them more, they can really open up to you.
  • When it comes to time spent together, it’s quality, not quantity.
  • They remember the little things.
  • Communication is an issue. (They may not text back because they don’t feel like having a conversation right then. And that’s totally okay, it’s just frustrating sometimes.)
  • You can learn things from them, like how to be a better listener.
  • They can learn things from you, like how to enjoy social settings. (In moderation of course)
  • They don’t realize that extroverts need time away from people too. (This may sound crazy, but I love to have alone time. Granted, it may only last an hour or two, but it still counts)
  • You may feel like you are too clingy/doing all the work for the friendship.
  • They may not always tell you how they feel or speak up.
  • Introverts form really strong bonds with their friends. (We may be all they have, and even though they may not show it, they truly appreciate us-at least I think so)
  • You can always be surprised by the new things you learn about them.
  • Their time to re-charge after a social event will probably be longer than yours.
  • When you are panicking, they can calm you down.

In order to be fair and see both sides of the coin, I will probably write a post about the pros and cons of having extroverted friends. Also know that these pros&cons may be things I have experienced personally, or just generalizations about introverts I’ve heard or read. If you have a differing opinion, feel free to let me know in the comment section below! Until later, don’t be surprised if that ‘ stereotypical quiet’ person in the back of the classroom becomes your best friend.

Update: Yeah I now hate that last post. But hey-I was stressed and needed a different way to get it out than lashing out at people. Just know I may use this method to relieve stress in the future, and to brush off any posts that don’t quite seem right (when judging the entire content of my blog).

Reasons Why I Can’t Deal With Exams

Hey guys! Hope you are doing well. I’m fine except for the fact that exams are stressing me out. I’m really moody towards everyone, exhausted from studying, and brain dead from actually taking exams. And I’ve only taken one exam so far. I’m also avoiding studying by working on this post (It’s working out pretty great actually). So here are the reasons I can’t deal with exams:

  • The pressure. “This is 40% of your grade , so no pressure.” Really? It’s actually pretty funny how teachers warn us about peer pressure when they are the ones handing the most pressure out. Pressure to do well, not fail, go above and beyond, be creative, etc.
  • The stress. There was a point where I was so stressed with everything I had to do, I almost didn’t start because it all seemed like too much. I also have gotten real easily annoyed with people over the past couple days because I’ve been taking out my stress on them. (sorry people-I promise I’m usually nice)
  • The preparation. This whole process is built up over the entire semester, where it sometimes gets to the point where the teachers are only preparing you for the exam (not the real world, mind you). And though I clearly realize there has to be some way for us to prove we actually learned something in the class, I don’t think standardized tests are the best option (just the most convenient).
  • The execution. I honestly am very thankful I can deal with taking tests unlike some people who just freeze up. There are people who just aren’t good test takers and that’s why I don’t like the system. And this quote is honestly my inspiration for this rant:

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” -Albert Einstein

  • The exhaustion. It’s hard enough trying to get the normal amount of homework done with extracurricular activities, but with exams you basically have to sacrifice your sleep to get anything accomplished. And the one thing all teachers say before exams is “Be sure to get plenty of sleep.” Yeah we all know that doesn’t happen.

Wow. That was a quite a rant. And even though I’m probably going to read this in a week and end up hating myself, it’s honestly how I feel at this point. My new catchphrase at the moment is “I’m not even sorry.” (but I’m a little sorry for this atrocity) . I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to comment with your thoughts. Until later, don’t be afraid to question the system.

The Before: Bogus First Date Tips

Things have been interesting for me lately. You may notice from my previous post that I just got asked out (for the first actual time because elementary school doesn’t count) and am going on my first date! And I didn’t want to make a big deal about it by asking my mom or my sister for advice (in case it doesn’t go well), so just like any other teenage girl I turned to the internet. And I found some really awful tips. I thought I would share the phony ones so you can know what not to do on your first date (or if you just want something to laugh at). So here are some bogus first date tips:

  • Make him feel like a man. This is apparently a good tip because ‘guys like a damsel in distress’. And to quote Meg (from Hercules [1997]) on this one I’m gonna say “I am damsel, I’m in distress, I can handle this. Have a nice day.”
  • Dress in pastels. According to one website, even if you look stunning in other colors, you should wear pastels to show a softer side. Yeah no. I think I’m gonna pass on this one. I am loud and proud!
  • Take at least an hour and a half to get ready. Now obviously I understand the importance of looking nice for a date, but that’s a little excessive for a ‘tip for teens’. I take an hour max and look fabulous afterwards, people. And if you only take 45 minutes- you do you girl.
  • Put some thought into your underwear. Um. what?!? This tip is definitely not teen-friendly (though the article is clearly for middle/high schoolers). And though they did make a good point about being comfortable, the picture of a blushing girl beside the tip doesn’t really help their case.
  • Consider wearing deodorant. My problem with this one is it shouldn’t be consider. If you are on a first date you are gonna be nervous and you are gonna sweat buckets. Ladies and gentlemen please, no matter what age you are, wear deodorant on your first date. Otherwise you just nasty.
  • Play fun games like MASH. First off, if you are young enough to consider playing this game at all you should not be dating. Second, if you have to resort to playing ‘fun games’ you should just leave. And third, do middle schoolers even play that anymore?
  • Don’t dress up too much. You will seem high maintenance. I can’t find the article right now (which is really annoying), but it kept saying “don’t do this it will seem too high maintenance” over and over again. Like “don’t wear your hair up” or “don’t wear a statement piece”. Ridiculous honestly. And if you are worrying that much about ‘looking high maintenance’ (whatever that may mean to a guy) then you probably are high maintenance. (Just kidding-I’m sure you are low maintenance. Like a beta fish.)
  • Have ‘unforgettable’ soft hands. The whole point of this tip is so “your lingering soft touches will always leave him wanting more”. Yeah that’s just plain creepy. I can understand wanting soft hands, but for that sole purpose (as a teenager) is just plain weird. As in, please go see a therapist for your obvious lust issues.
  • Make him splurge. Yeah that’s not cool at all. I can understand wanting the guy to pay because it’s the first date, but this is the 21st century people. It’s not cool to expect him to spend a lot of money when you haven’t even fully committed to a relationship yet. And if you expect him to shell out the big bucks, you are definitely high maintenance.
  • Don’t reveal all. Basically, still be mysterious while you are purposely hanging out with someone so they can get to know you better. Makes perfect sense. If you have to keep up with a ‘mysterious fortune teller-esque’ act to keep his attention, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he’s not the one.
  • Wait for him to call you. Now I totally get that you don’t want to seem clingy or desperate (believe me I have walked those paths before), but if you really had a great time let him know it. There are going to be guys who may be to shy or nervous to speak up, so put on your big girl panties and call/text him. (obviously in moderation though)

I hope you enjoyed my advice, even though I barely have anything to speak of on this particular matter. Reading these bogus tips has made me a lot less nervous, because now I know I’m not the only one who is nearly clueless about this stuff. Wish me luck on my date (because I am going to need it). Until then, know that you are not the only clueless one in this world. (There’s a lot of clueless people who like to post dating tips on the internet)

Why You Should Go To The Inevitable Holiday Parties

With only 4 days until Christmas, there are parties for all kinds of celebrations. Since it’s break and all you want to do is rest, it can be hard convincing yourself to show up to party after party. So here’s why you should go to the inevitable holiday parties:

  • Free food. Though sometimes you may have to bring a dish yourself, nothing tops this list better then free food. Enough said.
  • The occasional present. If you play Dirty Santa or have a nice host, you may be coming home with (you guessed it) more free stuff!
  • Fun times with friends. Yeah it’s lame, but it’s a good excuse to hang out with friends and not have to spend any money. And if you show them this list, they will have no reason to say no.
  • Opportunity to meet new people. Even if you just talk to a friend of a friend you don’t really know and end up hanging out with them again, it counts as making a new friend. It’s always nice to meet someone new because they could end up being your best friend!
  • Opportunity to meet new people. And by that I mean possible more-than-friends. Bow chicka bow wow.
  • To be able to dance and not be judged. Everyone will be dancing so it’s okay if you are an awful dancer. I know I am so this is a blessing about holiday parties.
  • It’s an easy way to get into the holiday spirit. Like in my previous post, 10 Ways To Get Into The Holiday Spirit, holiday parties are a simple way to get into the holiday spirit. Nothing like Christmas cookies and corny songs to get you into the mood.

I will be honest, most of these are obvious, but I have slight writer’s block. Hopefully Christmas will get me into a creative mood. Until then, have a Happy Holidays!

Tradition, Tradition!

I had an interesting Thanksgiving and a lot of it centered around traditions (I hope you got that Fiddler on the Roof reference in the title by the way). So here’s what traditions we followed, broke, and started:

  • Me and my sister (yes I know this is not proper grammar– I’m okay with that) watched the parade together in bed, which was sweet until my mom told us how sweet it looked.
  • We went to my aunt’s house instead of grandma’s because she had knee surgery so it felt really weird. (We usually go to my aunt’s house for Christmas so at first I was like “where are all the presents?”)
  • We still had turkey, mashed potatoes, and sausage balls. (Good for me, but bad for my sister who is a vegetarian)
  • We didn’t go around the room and say what we were thankful for. That bugs me because even though I usually just say “the food!” anyways, it just doesn’t feel like Thanksgiving without it.
  • I got bored out of my mind while everyone was watching football because they refused to watch the dog show. (a usual tradition of mine)
  • I ate smores pie instead of pumpkin pie. (a tradition changed for the better I think)
  • As usual, I ate way too much. (fun fact: my dad apparently ate so much that a button popped off his pants!)
  • My cousin’s girlfriend was there, which is becoming a tradition. (she seems okay, but she only talks to our cousins so I don’t know if I approve yet-you have to be social to be a part of our family!)
  • We had to tell my dad’s family we are moving. (which hopefully won’t become a tradition)
  • We usually listen to Christmas music on the way home from Thanksgiving for the first time (to respect the bird) and we didn’t. So it honestly hasn’t really hit me that Christmas is coming soon.

Well that’s all my traditions, good and bad. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, unless you are Canadian (then have a good Boxing Day I think). Until then, don’t get so tied up in old traditions that you forget to start some new ones.

P.S. Update on previous post: Only a day or two after I had that dream where my best guy friend comes to tell me he broke up with his girlfriend, I see on Facebook (yes I am still using it) that he has a new girlfriend! So obviously I am psychic. If only I had been psychic about him confessing his love for me. Oh well. You win some, you lose some.